Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Essay Writing Reflection

Ideas and Content

The ways my JC writing demonstrated appropriate ideas and content was that i understood my topic very well, and I could easily give reasonable examples to support my topic. Another example to show that my writing demonstrated ideas and content is that I included interesting and relevant details, this also really helped me to get good and reliable examples for my topic. Finally I explained how my quotations relate to the main idea of paragraph, and this is a huge part of giving and getting information in my essay. To improve my writing next time i will have to strongly make sure my writing makes sense. I can't just say anything that i don't understand. I have to be able to understand it well, for my reader to clearly understand it as well. I also have to make sure that I have a clear and focused topic next time. I have to get my reader hooked in my story if i want it to be successful.


I have several ways that my writing demonstrated appropriate organization. One, is that I begin with an interesting hook to grab my readers attention very well. I included a smart and strong thesis statement, this helped with my hook to grab my readers attention. One important Organization concept I used in my essay was that my body paragraphs started with clear and strong topic sentences. Another strong organization concept i used was that i established enough context prior to introducing a quotation. I believed that i included enough evidence and explanation to cover my quote, and i tried my hardest to embed it within my paragraph. I think my organization In my essay was very strong and I knew confidently what i was doing. I could have improved my writing in various different ways. I could have focused more on ending each of my body paragraphs with a summarizing or transition sentence so i can alert the reader the end of the paragraph and what i will be talking about next. I needed to include a much better conclusion. My conclusion didn't have an interesting ending and probably did not attract many readers. I could have focused on this concept the most, because i believe i did not do well with it and hopefully i can use my mistake to improve my writing next time.

Personal Growth

Yes i do note much improvement between my Alchemist and Julius Caesar essay. My organization has improved dramatically, mostly because of the past mistakes i made. On my Self evaluation it looks like i didn't really know what i was doing for the alchemist essay because my organization and Ideas and content are both quite low. However, in my Julius Caesar essay, most of my concepts that I included are at a reasonable level and i am happy with what I have done. I can also see improvement because I truly believe that i did better. I learned from my mistakes and i tried my best to do a better job.

SLR Reflection

Reason Critically, this is because I learned from my mistakes and i looked at my earlier essays to do a better job. If i never had done this i wouldn't have done a better job and i would not have Reasoned Critically. I believe that when crafting an essay, the best thing to do is to look at the layouts of your earlier essays and follow them as a guide, while adding more details to the piece. From this, you can keep doing it and get better every time rather than starting all over again.