Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Love is in the air

Success, Love, kisses by

Love waits in the air

Cloaked in a delightful aura

Beating with emotion

In the novel The Alchemist, Santiago crosses many difficult obstacles and challenges. One of those challenges Santiago has to fight against, is love. The Alchemist teaches Santiago that the world is not complete without love. For everyone in the entire world, love is relevant for all cultures, and especially for Santiago. But some people might not find love, because they are not listening and trusting their heart for the real answer. If you don't believe in love, then there is a big problem and you will be left alone without anyone there for you. Love is one of the most important guides through life, and this happens for everyone. If you trust in your heart and listen carefully to it, you may find your true love. Even I had plenty of trouble with love before. With my family, we may get into a big fight once in awhile, but you need to look into your heart and find what really matters. Not about who won a game, or who got there first. It really matters about your relationship and what is true. Just listen to your heart. Santiago had many problems with love as well. Along Santiago's enormous journey, he finds love awaiting at the oasis for him in the treacherous desert. He meets a beautiful girl named Fatima. He has much love for this girl. He had the temptation to stop his journey to find his treasure, and start a new life with his true love, Fatima. "Im going to wait here for you everyday. I have crossed the desert in search of a treasure that is somewhere near the pyramids, and for me, the war seemed a curse. But now it's a blessing, because it brought me to you," (Coelho 91). Coelho teaches about love to Santiago and to the rest of the world. Throughout history, stories of love have been shared worldwide: Pocahontas & John Smith, Romeo & Juliet, Cinderella & Prince Charming, Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie. These are just a few of the great lovers and there will no doubt be more. Who knows what the future holds? As long as there is love in the air, anything is possible. Impossible is nothing...

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