Monday, November 23, 2009

How Can Art Be A Mirror Of Society?

The School Of Athens by Raphael

Artists get their ideas and inspiration from the world around them. Before the Renaissance, art was largely religious according to the church. During the Renaissance, Artists started to produce work that reflected the influence of other groups in society besides religious topics. For example, Da Vinci drew drawings of the human body and machines. This reflected on the society's interest in medicine and engineering. The School Of Athens painted by Raphael shows a group of people who contributed their skills and knowledge to society. These groups of intelligent people were all skilled in different subjects like Mathematics, Science, Philosophy and they were hardworking thinkers. Even though all these people did not live at the same time, they still all made an impact on society. Society was also interested in Greco - Roman Architecture, and this was reflected in paintings and buildings during the Renaissance, such as, Arches, symmetry, columns, perspective, backgrounds, vanishing points etc. Even today, art is very often based on what is happening in the world around us. Architecture is a very good example of this as today we created new buildings that are specifically built for bombs, earthquakes, terrorism etc.

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