Monday, November 23, 2009

My Position in "The School Of Athens"

The two men in the center of the painting "The School of Athens" painted by Raphael are clearly the focal point. Focal points in paintings usually bring the persons attention to the story or the main part of what is happening in the painting. The main part of this painting is the two people in the middle, Plato and Aristotle. I feel more like Plato because he is in the center of the painting, and you can see that he is teaching Aristotle with his hand gesture, and that he was a very smart man. I connected with him because in school i try to be the center of attention, and give ideas to people to help our group with a project or assignment. I am a good leader in groups, and i stay on task to try and finish. I like to help people in subjects they don't understand, and that i am skilled at. He was a very smart man, and i believe i am a smart boy in classes most of the time. But i could still work on some subjects. Being a leader/teacher makes me feel good inside and it reminds me how nice and thoughtful i am to people. Even though i try to be the best, and to be the center of attention, i think Plato is a great representative of me.

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