Sunday, January 31, 2010

Band - VOID based on the story

1) "The Black Box" because i think the whole story was based around the Black Box. I thought the Box was the most important object in the story.

2) I thought something bad was going to happen, because Mr. Graves pulled out a piece of paper that had a black dot on. The color black is usually a negative scary color, so i thought something bad was gong to happen. Mr. Graves could have been kicked out or something.

3) I was quite annoyed and i wanted to hear the rest of it and what will happen next. It made me ask questions and come up with ideas to find out the ending. I wanted to hear more.

4) I wanted to open the paper really badly and see what was inside. But i followed the instructions because i thought the instruction on the front had to do with some surprise(open at 5 p.m). I thought the ending of the story was in it, and thats all. cause it wanted me to ask questions, then give me the answer. yes because i thought a surprise according to the time was going to happen.

5) I felt scared and i thought something bad was going to happen to me. When Mr. Housego told us people with the black dots are doing their playing test, i was kind of happy that the tension was over and shocked at the same time(i had the black dot) i was also annoyed with the people without a black dot.
6) I felt confused and i did not understand the ending. But then again i was happy i didn't have to keep going through the tension.

7) No, my predictions were not correct. i felt confused and did not understand. The ending was not as important as i thought it would be. But i am happy i found out the answer.

8) I don't know what would have helped me make a better prediction. Maybe calm down and not think about it so much, think outside the box.

9) To make the readers ask questions and want to find out more about the story and what happened. He wanted to give the readers a questions, make them ask questions and throw an answer at them.

10) When there is no title, it takes away the clue of what the story would be about, and when you don't know anything about the author you can't tell the point of view they are telling it from. It could be a boy or a girl's perspective, or a homeless or rich guy's perspective.
When there is no ending, it makes lots of people ask questions and want to know the answer (ending). It creates tension for the readers in the same way that TV shows create tension when they say "to be continued".
The mystery paper made me want to open it and made me wonder more about what was inside. Making me wait until 5 pm created more tension, and then, when I read the ending I was disappointed that it was not as exciting as I thought it would be and the tension disappeared and I was no longer asking questions or imagining what would happen.

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