Sunday, March 28, 2010

Collage Reflection

I will include my collage picture later when i get it on the mac. I will also include my i-movie later.

While working on my collage, i tied to include and put in several creative elements inside. I thought to myself that it would be quite creative to split my pictures into different categories to make the reader understand more of what happened to the lost boys and show the problems they had to face. So i did, i split the photos roughly in 2 areas of the poster, with the pictures i found on the internet. On my poster, i divided the pictures into the bad and horrible things that mostly happened in Sudan with the war and pictures of the boys in America, and being able to travel there (some of the good things). When i was being creative in constructing my poster, i found it quite difficult to split my pictures. This is because there wasn't really a lot of good things that happened to the lost boys and there was so much bad things that happened to them and that i could find. Also what i included in my poster is that every picture is not a square cutting, some of them are also cut around people or significant parts of their life. I did this because it could give the readers/audience a better idea of the important things that happened to them. It is very important that the reader views all these photos and sees the pain the boys went through.

Mostly all of my pictures in my poster were about the pain the boys went through and had to face. Since most of my pictures were about the pain the boys went through, i decided to make my 6 word memoir sound sad and really make the audience think more because i want everyone to understand that the boys went through so much hell. Underneath and around the word 'Genocide' i put a picture of a baby crying, and an old man who looked extremely thin and sad. Just these two powerful pictures tells us the hell and sadness they had to face. The picture with the skinny helpless man was there for a reason, it was to show us that they didn't get much food at all, anywhere. It wasn't the only picture of a person who was skinny, there were loads more. I got a picture of the UN sign and a dove with peace on the top of it. I chose these two picture because the UN was very generous to help these lost boys start a new life and help them out. When the UN did this, the boys felt a little hope and they believed america will be like heaven and they will all be happy. In the beginning they were in huge amounts of pain and loss, especially when there parents and friends died. Then they were lonely on their way to America because of the new culture, and then they were in hell, the moment they had to figure out ways to survive in America while trying to keep their family alive in Sudan.

In my collage, both my pictures and my text shows awareness for the lost boys plight. I think the combination of my text and pictures show a little bit of fun they had and there were no worries at some points. But i also combined pictures of the pain they had to go through. I have some pictures that tell the readers that the lost boys could forget about their past and the bad things that happened to them, but they could still remember their true culture, the Dinka Tribe. When the boys arrived in America, they were trying as hard as they could to forget about about the past and to think about their future. In my collage, i have a picture of Peter attending high school. This picture shows that he wants to and is getting a good education, so that he can get a good paying job and send reasonable amounts of money back to his family in Sudan. Some of the boys are now quite popular in America because their long story has been told to thousand, maybe millions of people. Its so popular and important they made a documentary out of it. I have many pictures of the lost boys that show their success in America and being able to forget all about their past and work extremely hard in America.

I think my poster demonstrated empathy and it might even evoke an emotional response in several different ways. I put really strong picture of people in Sudan suffering from all the pain. I have several children who look miserable and despratley need help fast. These pictures i have chosen might get the viewer thinking more, and might even want to do something about it. The pictures can easily get the reader feeling extremely sorry for the people in need and it will make them want to make a move and do something. My 6 word memoir is basically the whole story of their life, but only in 6 words. My powerful 6 words i have chosen to put together can tell the reader what they have gone through. It is a brief description of their life in hell. Maybe it might get people to act and do something helpful for them.

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