Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Peters Difficulties in America

  1. I am a lost boy from Sudan. I am in Houston Texas now. Before, I was in a refugee camp in Kenya for many years. When I found out that i would be going to Houston, Texas, I heard it was like heaven. I hoped i would start a new and much better life their. But America wasn't what i expected it to be like.
  2. In the past couple of months here in America, i have gone through several major difficulties and it has been really tough assimilating into this American culture. I thought it would be a really easy start, and it was, but later on in the months it got more complicated for me and i didn't know how i was going to get through it all. I didn't know a lot of English when entering the US but i think i got better after awhile. It is a very tough language. When i was first introduced to my new house, the lady showed us around and taught us how to use things. She showed us a metal box called a stove, i had no idea what it was or any of the other appliances in the house. i was very confused. People in America also kept on staring at me weirdly and it looked like they were were afraid of me. My friends said it was because we were black and they were very prejudice against black people here. Our boss at WalMart said that we were used to working out in the heat because we were black Africans. I had to just continue with my job so i could make enough money to pay my rent. It was really hard work. When i came here there was a huge difference of cultures from where i used to live. I suffered incredible culture shock when i arrived and didn't know what i was going to do about it. I did really different things back in Africa than what they do here. The people here had different music/songs, different dances and lots of different traditions that i was completely new to. People in America didn't do the same things in Africa like we used to do. In america, they were people that had something to do and work for. They didn't have much free time at all to play around like what we did in Africa. For me, life was much harder and much more different here because i had to get used to all these new and unfamiliar subjects. I also had to keep myself busy to be like the other people. After another couple of long busy months i enrolled myself in a high school so that i could become well educated. When i first went to my new school everything was new to me and people had different groups to hang out with. I was a new student and i did not know any of the people there, i didn't have many groups to join. During school i met new friends that were nice to me and cared for me. I was able to join groups that they were in. My friends invited me to come and join them in their Christian group. I didn't know Christianity well and i felt alone because all of them new what they were doing and i was the only black person there. I had many conflicts while here and it has been a tough challenge to overcome them and get familiar to the American environment and culture.

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